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2024 -  Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering, Cullen Trust for Higher Education Endowed Professorship, UT Austin

2022 - Graduate Advisor and Graduate Studies Committee Chair, Materials Science and Engineering Program, Texas Materials Institute, UT Austin

2019 - 2024 Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering, Temple Foundation Endowed Fellowship, UT Austin

2013 - 2019 Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering, J. Mike Walker Faculty Scholarship, UT Austin

                                               2010 - 2013 Postdoctoral Researcher in Chemistry and Biochemistry (advisor: Prof. Paul S. Weiss), University of California, Los Angeles

                                               2006 - 2010 Ph.D. in Engineering Science and Mechanics (advisor: Prof. Tony Jun Huang), The Pennsylvania State University

                                               (2010 Alumni Association Dissertation Award2014 Graduate School Alumni Society Early Career Award)

      2004 - 2006 Research Fellow, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore

      2001 - 2003 M.Sc. in Physics (advisors: Prof. Alfred Huan and Prof. Soo-Jin Chua), National University of Singapore, Singapore

      1997 - 2001 B.Sc. in Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China

Research Associate


2023 - Research Associate, The University of Texas at Austin

2018 - 2023 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

2017 Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
M.E. in Electromagnetic Field & Microwave Technology, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
B.E. in Electronic Information Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China

                                                2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Research Award, Northeastern University
                                                2015 Graduate Dissertation Research Grant, Northeastern University

Graduate Student


2019 B.Tech in Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India


2023-2024 Harris L. Marcus Graduate Fellowship in Materials Science and Engineering, UT Austin

2023 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

2023 B.S in Bioengineering, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth


2023 Provost's Graduate Excellence Fellowship


2023 B.S in Materials Science and Engineering, The University of California, Irvine


2023 Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, UT-Austin

2022 Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers Research Experience Undergraduate Program, UC Irvine

                           2022 UROP Fellowship Grant, UC Irvine

                            2021 UROP Fellowship Grant, UC Irvine

2022 B.S in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University


2025 TechConnect World Student Best Abstract Award - Honorable Mention 

2023-2026 Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, UT-Austin

                                                  2021 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grant for University Students


2022 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering - Sharif University of Technology

2018 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering - University of Tehran


2023-2027 Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, UT Austin

2023 M.S, Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University

2020 B.S, Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University


2023-2024 Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, UT Austin

                                                 2019 Zhejiang Government Scholarship

Visiting Scholar

Harrington Faculty Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin

Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder

Alumni Research Associate


2019 - Associate Professor & Professorship for Young Talents, Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) 

2018 - 2019 Research Associate, The University of Texas at Austin

2014 - 2018 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

      B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University


    2011 New Treasure First Prize Scholarship, Tsinghua University

                                               2009 The Third Prize Scholarship, Tsinghua University

                                               2007 PetroChina First Prize Scholarship, Tsinghua University

Alumni Postdoctoral Researcher


Current: Research Assistant Professor, University of Houston, Texas

2018 - 2021 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada

MS in Microwave Engineering, Indian institute of technology, Banaras Hindu University, India


                                               2014-15, University of Victoria graduate award, UVic, Canada

                                               2012-13, University of Victoria fellowship, Uvic, Canada

                                               2007-09, Govt. of India Post graduate Research Scholarship, Indian institute of technology, Banaras Hindu University, India


2018 -  Leader of an Independent Junior Research Group, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

2017 - 2018 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering, University of New Mexico

B.S. in Chemistry (ACS accredited), Southern Oregon University


                                                 2017 Langmuir Prize for best oral presentation of a young scientist, European Colloid and Interface Society, Madrid

                                                 2015-17 Juan de la Cierva - Formación Postdoctoral Fellowship, Spain

                                                 2014 Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Sigma Xi 

                                                 2012-14 Excellence Fellowship, Office of Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico


2019 - Associate Professor & Professorship for Young Talents, Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) 

2018 - 2019 Research Associate, The University of Texas at Austin

2014 - 2018 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

                                                 B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University


                                                 2011 New Treasure First Prize Scholarship, Tsinghua University

                                                 2009 The Third Prize Scholarship, Tsinghua University

                                                 2007 PetroChina First Prize Scholarship, Tsinghua University

2019 -  Postdoctoral Researcher, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center

2018 - 2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

2013 - 2018 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

M.E. in Materials Physics and Chemistry, Sichuan University
B.Sc. in Materials Physics, Sichuan University


                                                2018 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad

                                                2017 GS University Graduate Continuing Fellowship, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                                2015 Warren A. and Alice L. Meyer Endowed Scholarship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin


2021 Professor, Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Fudan University 

2019 - 2021 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2018 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D. in Physical Electronics, Jilin University
B.S. in Microelectronics, Jilin University

                                               2016 National excellent doctoral dissertation in optical engineering, China 



Current: Process Integration Engineering, Samsung Austin Semiconductor

2018-2021 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

2018 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

M.Sc. in Condensed Matter Physics, Fudan University
B.E. in Microelectronics, Sun Yat-sen University


                                                2020 Baxter Young Investigator Award 

                                                2015 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                                2015 Graduate Student Conference Grant, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

Alumni Graduate


2019 -  Process/Device Integration Engineer, Intel, Oregon 

2014 - 2018 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

M.Sc. in Chemistry, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India
B.E. in Electrical and Electronics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India


                                                Phi Kappa Phi

                                                2016-17 Friends of Alec Graduate Student Fellowship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin

      2015 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

      2015-16 George J. Heuer. Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin

      2014-15 Harris L. Marcus Graduate Fellowship in Materials Science and Engineering, UT Austin


Current: Engineer, Intel

2023 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, UT Austin

2018 M.S. in Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
B.S. in Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.


                                               2023 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad                                               

                                               2022 Warren A. and Alice L. Meyer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering, UT Austin

                                               2021 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2020 Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, UT Austin

                                               2020 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2020 Presenter Fee Grant, OSA Foundation and the Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Fund, USA

                                               2019 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2018 Endeavour Leadership Program – Research Fellowship, Department of Education, Australia

                                               2017 EDF Climate Corps China fellowship, Environment Defense Fund, USA


Current: Postdoctoral Researchers, University of Washington, Seattle

2023 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UT Austin

2018 B.E. in Opto-Electronics Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University


                                               2023 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad  

                                               2022 George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund, UT Austin

                                               2022 Finalist (Top 4) in Nano Letters Seed Grant, North America Region

                                               2021 Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, UT Austin

                                               2021 Summer Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2020 Fall Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2020 Jean Bennett Memorial Student Travel Grant, Optical Society of America

                                               2020 Summer Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2020 Presenter Fee Grant, OSA Foundation and the Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Fund, USA

                                               2016 National Scholarship, Chinese Ministry of Education


2022 - Postdoctoral Researcher, UC Berkeley

2017-2021 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UT Austin

B.Sc. in Applied Physics, University of Science and Technology of China


                                                 2022 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad                               

                                                 2021 MRS Graduate Student Award, Materials Research Society

                                                 2020-2021 University Graduate Continuing Fellowship, UT Austin

                                                 2020 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                                 2019 The University-Wide Streetman Awards for Contributions to Microelectronics

                                                 2019-2020 George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin

                                                 2019 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                                 2019 Graduate Engineering Travel Grant, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin

                                                 2018 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin


2019 -  Postdoctoral Researcher, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center

2018 - 2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

2013 - 2018 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

M.E. in Materials Physics and Chemistry, Sichuan University
B.Sc. in Materials Physics, Sichuan University


                                                2018 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad                                               

                                                2017 GS University Graduate Continuing Fellowship, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                                2015 Warren A. and Alice L. Meyer Endowed Scholarship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin


Current: Engineer, AMD

2023 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, UT Austin

2017 M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering (Thermal), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India


                                               2023 Ben Streetman Prize, UT Austin

                                               2022 Warren A. and Alice L. Meyer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering, UT Austin

                                               2021 Graduate Continuing Bruton Fellowship, UT Austin Graduate School

                                               2020 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2017-2021 Provost's International Graduate Excellence Fellowship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin


2024 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UT Austin

2018 B.A in Physics, Washington University in St. Louis


2023-2024 Engineering Foundation Endowed Graduate Presidential Scholarship, UT Austin

                                                2018-2021 Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship, UT Austin
                                                2015 Undergraduate Physics Fellowship, Washington University 


2019 - Optomechanical Engineer, (Self-driving car starup), California

2014 - 2019 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

B.Sc. in Physics, Peking University


                                                 2018-19 GS University Graduate Continuing Fellowship, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                                 2017-18 George J. Heuer. Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin

                                                 2016-17 George J. Heuer. Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship, Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin


2021 - Engineer, KLA Tencor, California, USA

2021 Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA

B.E. in Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


                                             2020 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin


Current Position: Principal Investigator, Korea Institute of Science and Technology

2024  Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UT Austin
2013  M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
2011  B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


                                             2023-2024 Agnes T. and Charles F. Wiebusch Fellowships, UT Austin                                               

                                             2021 University Graduate Continuing Fellowship, UT Austin

                                             2020 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                             2018 Kwanjeong Educational Foundation Fellowship

                                             2007-2011 The 5th Presidential Science Fellowship for Undergraduate Study


Current Position: Hardware Engineering, HiSilicon (Huawei), ShangHai

2024 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UT Austin (2023 - 2024 Lab Manager)
2018 B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


2024 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad                                                 

                                               2023-2024 George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund, UT Austin

                                               2023 Graduate Engineering Council Travel Grant, UT Austin

                                               2023  Materials Science and Engineering Poster Competition Award, UT Austin



Current position: Process Integration Engineer, Samsung Austin Semiconductor

2018 - 2021  Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Texas at Austin

2014 - 2018 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

M.Sc. in Condensed Matter Physics, Fudan University
B.E. in Microelectronics, Sun Yat-sen University


                                               2015 Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin

                                               2015 Graduate Student Conference Grant, Office of Graduate Studies, UT Austin


2022 B.E. in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University


2022-2026  OGS - College Recruitment fellowship, UT Austin

2021 An Excellent Award of the Tsinghua University 633rd Ph.D. Student Forum, Tsinghua University

                                               2019 1st Prize of Physics Competition for College Students in Some Regions of China, Beijing Physical Society

                                               2018-2022 2nd Scholarship for Outstanding Freshmen, Tsinghua University

                                               2018-2022 Xuetang Personnel Training Plan Scholarship, Tsinghua University

Alumni Undergraduate

Alumni Visiting Scholar


Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Sun Yat-Sen University

B.S. in Chemistry, Sun Yat-Sen University


PhD student, Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
M. E. in Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
B. E. in Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 


2020 IEEE NANO Best Poster Award