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Dr. Zhihan Chen was selected to receive the 2023 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. Congratulations! (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured on University Research News headline on the Office of Science homepage (July 2024).

Our works Synchronous and Fully Steerable Active Particle Systems for Enhanced Mimicking of Collective Motion in Nature (Advanced Materials 2024) and Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) were featured by ASME as Simple Instructions Make a Robot Swarm (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Anthropocene as The next chapter in plastic recycling could be laser focused (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Hackaday as LASERS COULD HELP US RECYCLE PLASTICS INTO CARBON DOTS (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Optics & Photonics News as Using Light to Break Down Plastics (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Youtube Channel Science News (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Earth as Lasers may completely transform the future of plastic recycling (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Futurity as Laser Blasts Could Solve the World's Plastic Problem (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Knowridge as Scientists turn plastic waste into treasure with lasers and 2D materials (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Science Times as Plastics Waste Management Revolutionized As Texas Engineers Use Lasers, 2D Materials for Sustainable Recycling (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by as How lasers and 2D materials could solve the world's plastic problem (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Mirage as Lasers, 2D Materials Could Tackle Global Plastic Crisis (July 2024).

Our work Light-Driven C-H Activation Mediated by 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (Nature Communications 2024) was featured by Nanowerk as Laser and 2D materials enable novel plastic breakdown for recycling (July 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured on the Frontiers of Engineering homepage (June 2024). 

Congratulations to Dr. Rohit Unni, Dr. Youngsun Kim, and Dr. Zhihan Chen (from left to right in second photo) on receiving their Ph.D. degrees in MSE! (May 2024).


Our work on Metamaterials-Enhanced Optical Chiral Detection was featured by Chemistry World as Telling left from right: chirality detection faces up to its weaknesses (April 2024).


Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by DPA Magazine as Have you ‘herd’? Smart swarms of tiny robots adopt collective mindset (April 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by IoT World Today as Robot Swarms Developed by University of Texas (April 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by Futurity as HERD MENTALITY INSPIRES SMART SWARMS OF TINY ROBOTS (April 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by Space War as Robotic Swarms Mimic Nature to Advance Collective Performance (April 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by Knowridge as How tiny robots are mimicking nature to make big strides (April 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by ThePrint as Can ‘smart’ robots have herd mentality? (April 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by Industry News USA as From Schools of Fish to Swarms of Robots: UT Austin's Groundbreaking Discovery (April 2024).

Our work Persistent and Responsive Collective Motion with Adaptive Time Delay (Science Advances 2024) was featured by CSE as 'Smart Swarms' of Tiny Robots Inspired by Natural Herd Mentality (April 2024).

Pavana was featured by Texas Mechanical Engineering Magazine 2024 for his publication on Hypothermal Opto-thermophoretic Tweezers and Ben Streetman Prize (April 2024).

Our work Three-Dimensional Optothermal Manipulation of Light-Absorbing Particles in Phase-Change Gel Media (ACS Nano 2024) was featured by Nanowerk as Scientists achieve reconfigurable 3D optical manipulation of microscopic particles (March 2024).

Our work Deep Convolutional Mixture Density Network for Inverse Design of Layered Photonic Structures (ACS Photonics 2020) was featured in a Nanowerk article Machine learning innovations and applications in nanotechnology (February 2024).

Yuebing Zheng is promoted to Professor effective 16 August 2024 (February 2024).

Our work Synchronous and Fully Steerable Active Particle Systems for Enhanced Mimicking of Collective Motion in Nature [Advanced Materials (2024)] was featured by Nanowerk as Breakthrough optical platform unlocks secrets of natural swarm intelligence for next-gen collective microrobotics (February 2024).

Our work Synchronous and Fully Steerable Active Particle Systems for Enhanced Mimicking of Collective Motion in Nature [Advanced Materials (2024)] was featured as Editor's Choice and Frontispiece (February 2024).

An interview with Benjamin Skuse at Photonics Focus on The virtuous circle of AI and photonics (January 2024).

Watch our talk "Hot" Trends in Optical Manipulation, presented at the 2023 Photothermal Microscopy and Spectroscopy Webinar organized by Dr. Subhasis Adhikari, Dr. Andrea Kramer, Prof. Frank Cichos, and Prof. Michel Orrit (December 2023).

Dr. Pavana Siddhartha Kollipara has been awarded the 2023 Ben Streetman Prize, a university-wide award given annually for outstanding research by a graduate student in electronic and photonic materials and devices. Congratulations, Pavana! (November 2023).


Our work Hypothermal Opto-Thermophoretic Tweezers [Nature Communications 14 (2023) 5133] was featured by Mirage News as Revolutionary Update to Optical Tweezers Unveiled (November 2023).

Our work Hypothermal Opto-Thermophoretic Tweezers [Nature Communications 14 (2023) 5133] was featured by Photonics as Low-Power Optical Tweezers Shield Trapped Bioparticles from Damage (November 2023).

Our work Hypothermal Opto-Thermophoretic Tweezers [Nature Communications 14 (2023) 5133] was featured by as Scientists use supercomputers to make optical tweezers safer for living cells (November 2023).

Our work Hypothermal Opto-Thermophoretic Tweezers [Nature Communications 14 (2023) 5133] was featured by CSE as Laser Technology Cools the Way for Cellular Surgery and Drug Delivery (November 2023).

Our work Hypothermal Opto-Thermophoretic Tweezers [Nature Communications 14 (2023) 5133] was featured by TACC as NEW TWIST ON OPTICAL TWEEZERS (November 2023).

Our work Hypothermal Opto-Thermophoretic Tweezers [Nature Communications 14 (2023) 5133] was featured by Nanowerk as New laser tweezers allow gentle, efficient manipulation of cells and nanoparticles (September 2023).

Nature Portfolio Communities "Behind the Paper": Hypothermal Opto-Thermophoretic Tweezers: Cool down before you heat up! (September 2023).

Dr. Jie Fang and Dr. Hongru Ding were selected to receive the 2022 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. Congratulations! (July 2023).

An interview with Leslie Mertz at IEEE PULSE on Enhancing Therapeutic Delivery Using Micro- and Nanorobots (June 2023).

Congratulations to Dr. Pavana Siddhartha Kollipara, Dr. Hongru Ding, and Dr. Jie Fang (from left to right) on receiving their Ph.D. degrees in ME, ME, and MSE, and joining AMD, Intel, and University of Washington, respectively! (May 2023).

An interview with Nat Levy at the Cockrell School of Engineering: 5 Questions with Yuebing Zheng, Author of New Book on Nanophotonics (May 2023).

An overview of our recent work was featured by X-MOL as "UT-Austin郑跃兵团队近年来工作概览" (April 2023).

Our book Nanophotonics and Machine Learning (Springer, 2023, ISBN: 9783031204722) was recommended by Light: Science & Applications Chinese media outlet as 荐书 | 《纳米光子学与机器学习-概念、基础和应用》(April 2023). 

Our book Nanophotonics and Machine Learning (Springer, 2023, ISBN: 9783031204722) was featured by Nanowerk as "Bridging the gap: Exploring the synergy between nanophotonics and artificial intelligence." (March 2023).

Yuebing Zheng talked with Holly Barker at The Scientist on "Drugs Hitch a Ride on Algae for Targeted Delivery." (February 2023).

Our NIH RO1 grant "Four-dimensional Adhesion Frequency Assay for Full Profiling of Receptor-ligand Interactions on Cells" was featured by The Daily Texan as UT researchers receive grant to create technology for cellular bonding studies (January 2023). also featured by Austin American-Statesman; Yahoo;

Our cover image for Bubble-Pen Lithography: Fundamentals and Applications (Nanoscience: Special Issue Dedicated to Professor Paul S. Weiss) was awarded the 2022 Outstanding Cover Award of Aggregate (December 2022).

Dr. Jingang Li was featured on Nano Letters cover with his editorial "From Marble Games to Colloidal Nanomotors: The Journey of a First-Generation Student." (December 2022).

Our NIH RO1 grant "Four-dimensional Adhesion Frequency Assay for Full Profiling of Receptor-ligand Interactions on Cells" was featured by Cockrell School of Engineering as Researchers Aim to Shed Light on Cellular Bonding, Including COVID Cells (December 2022). 

Dr. Jingang Li was selected to receive the 2021 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. Congratulations! (August 2022). Featured by TMI news.

Zengqi Liu was selected to receive the UT Multiple-Year International Fellowship. Congratulations! (August 2022).

Yuebing Zheng talked with Adam Zamecnik at Pharmaceutical Technology on "Nanorobots: small solutions to big delivery problems." (August 2022).

Our work on Light-Driven Single-Cell Rotational Adhesion Frequency Assay (eLight  2022) has been featured by EurekAlert! as Innovative approach to cell binding could help our understanding of diseases (August 2022).

Congratulations to Hongru, Pavana, and Jie on receiving UT Engineering Fellowship Awards! (July 2022).

Jie Fang is among the four runners-up selected for the Inaugural Nano Letters Seed Grant Program, North America Region. He will utilize designed photonic cavities to harness biexciton complexes in 2D materials for future quantum photonic devices. Congratulations to Jie! (June 2022).  

Our work on Micro/Nanorobotics has been featured by Voice of America (Chinese) as "LogOn Future of Surgery: Nanorobots Go to Work in the Body (未来手术:微纳米机器人游走在人体之内治疗恶性肿瘤)" (May 2022).

Our work Heat-Mediated Optical Manipulation (Chemical Reviews 2021) has been selected as a Supplementary Journal Cover Article (January 2022).

Jingang Li received the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting Graduate Student Award. Congratulations, Jingang! (December 2021).

Yuebing Zheng talked with Jonathan Grinstein at Neo.Life on "Swallow the Micro-Robot." (December 2021).

Jingang Li successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation (in Materials Science and Engineering Program) and decided to join UC Berkeley as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations, Dr. Li! (November 2021).

Dr. Zilong Wu chose to join Samsung Austin Semiconductor as a Process Integration Engineer. Congratulations, Zilong! (October 2021).

Jie Fang received Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship Award for 2021-2022. Congratulations! (August 2021).

Yaoran Liu successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation (in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) and decided to join KLA Tencor, California, USA. Congratulations, Dr. Liu! (July 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by Explica as Towards a revolution in optical tweezers (July 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by Physics World as Opto-refrigerative tweezers prevent trapped particles from overheating (July 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by as Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers Overcome a Hot Problem (July 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by SciTechDaily as Optical Tweezer Technology Breakthrough Overcomes Dangers of Heat (June 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by AzoOptics as New Optical Tweezers Prevent Overheating Problems (June 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by as Laser cooling takes the heat out of optical tweezers (June 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by Nanowerk as Opto-refrigerative tweezers can dynamically manipulate objects at a laser-generated cold spot (June 2021).

Our work Opto-Refrigerative Tweezers (Science Advances 2021) was featured by UT News as Optical Tweezer Technology Tweaked to Overcome Dangers of Heat (June 2021).

Our work Plasmonic Nanotweezers and Nanosensors for Point-of-Care Applications (Advanced Optical Materials 2021) has been selected as a Back Cover Article (May 2021).

Our work Directivity Modulation of Exciton Emission Using Single Dielectric Nanospheres (Advanced Materials 2021) has been selected as an Inside Front Cover Article (April 2021).

Our work Label-Free Ultrasensitive Detection of Abnormal Chiral Metabolites in Diabetes (ACS Nano 2021) as featured by Nanowerk as Ultrasensitive and label-free chirality detection of diabetes-related metabolic molecules (March 2021).

Our work Optothermally Assembled Nanostructures (Accounts of Materials Research 2021) has been selected as a Supplementary Journal Cover Article (March 2021).

Youngsun Kim has been selected to receive a University Graduate Continuing Fellowship for 2021-2022. Congratulations! (March 2021). 

Pavana Kollipara has been selected to receive a Graduate Continuing Bruton Fellowship for 2021-2022. Congratulations! (March 2021).

Please join us on March 8, 2021 to explore nanophotonics at Explore UT annual event (March 2021).

Our work Tunable Chiral Optics in All-Solid-Phase Reconfigurable Dielectric Nanostructures (Nano Letters 2021) was featured by Nanowerk as Tunable chiral optics suitable for on-chip devices (February 2021).

Our work Tunable Chiral Optics in All-Solid-Phase Reconfigurable Dielectric Nanostructures (Nano Letters 2021) was featured by x-mol as UT Austin郑跃兵Nano Lett.封面:固相可重构手性超材料 (February 2021).

Our work Decoding Optical Data with Machine Learning (Laser & Photonics Reviews 2021) has been selected as a Back Cover Article (January 2021).

Our work Liquid Opto-Thermoelectrics: Fundamentals and Applications (Langmuir 2021) has been selected as a Front Cover Article (December 2020). 

Our work Sensitivity-Enhancing Strategies in Optical Biosensing (Small 2021) has been selected as a Back Cover Article (December 2020).

Our work Tunable Chiral Optics in All-Solid-Phase Reconfigurable Dielectric Nanostructures (Nano Letters 2021) has been selected as a Front Cover Article (December 2020). 

Our COVID research was featured by Texas Engineering magazine as Like a Wartime Effort: Texas Engineers Mobile to Battle COVID-19 (November 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Microswimmers (Light: Science & Applications 2020) was featured by SYFY WIRE as Zap! Pow! Laser-Powered Micro-Bots Zoom Through the Body Like Starships in a Video Game (September 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Microswimmers (Light: Science & Applications 2020) was featured by Physics World as Microswimmers benefit from thermoelectric guidance (September 2020).

Our work Deep Convolutional Mixture Density Network for Inverse Design of Layered Photonic Structures (ACS Photonics 2020) was featured by Nanowerk as Applying machine learning to nanophotonic design efforts (September 2020).

Jie Fang has been selected to receive the Jean Bennett Memorial Student Travel Grant to present his work at Frontiers in Optics in recognition of his research excellence. Congratulations! (September 2020).

Our work Deep Convolutional Mixture Density Network for Inverse Design of Layered Photonic Structures (ACS Photonics 2020) will be featured as a Supplementary Cover Article (September 2020).

Our work Atomistic Modeling and Rational Design of Optothermal Tweezers for Targeted Applications (Nano Research 2020) will be featured as a Back Cover Article (September 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers (Nature Photonics 2018) was featured by X-mol as 光热电场中微型泳者的双模式智能操控 (September 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Microswimmers (Light: Science & Applications 2020) was featured by (September 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers (Nature Photonics 2018) was featured by 材料科学前沿 as 神操作!一把“镊子”,皆是顶刊!诺奖之后,又有新突破!(September 2020).

Hongru Ding received Cockrell School of Engineering Fellowship Award for 2020-2021. Congratulations! (August 2020).

Zilong Wu has been selected as a Baxter Young Investigator Award recipient. This award program was developed to stimulate and reward research that can be directly used for critical care therapies and the development of medical products that save and sustain patients’ lives. Congratulations! (TMI News(August 2020).

Yuebing Zheng will be appointed to the William W. Hagerty Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering effective 1 September 2020 (August 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Microswimmers (Light: Science & Applications 2020) was featured by Nanowerk as Active optical navigation of individual microswimmers (August 2020).

Our work "Optoelectronic Thinning of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Device Fabrication" by Suichu Huang, Xuezeng Zhao, and Yuebing Zheng won IEEE NANO 2020 Best Poster Award. Congratulations to Suichu! (July 2020).

Our work Enhancing Surface Capture and Sensing of Proteins with Low-Power Optothermal Bubbles in a Biphasic Liquid was featured by Nanowerk as A low-temperature bubble-generating system for enhanced surface capture of proteins (July 2020).

Our work Enhancing Surface Capture and Sensing of Proteins with Low-Power Optothermal Bubbles in a Biphasic Liquid has been selected as Nano Letters Supplementary Journal Cover Article (July 2020).

Jingang Li received Professional Development Award from UT Austin Graduate School to present his work on reconfigurable chiral metamaterials with solid-phase optical nanomanipulations at the OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2020. Congratulations! (July 2020).

Youngsun Kim received Professional Development Award from UT Austin Graduate School to present his work on enhancing biosensing with low-power bubbles at the OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2020. Congratulations! (July 2020).

Jie Fang received Professional Development Award from UT Austin Graduate School to present his work on controlling optical emission of 2D materials with dielectric nanoantennas at the SPIE Optics and Photonics 2020. Congratulations! (July 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Physics World as Beetle-inspired film reflects 95% of solar radiation (July 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by PCI Magazine as Longicorn Beetle Inspires Cooling Photonic Film (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Futurity as Beetles that survive volcanic heat inspire stuff that stays cool (June 2020). 

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Spectrum News as Beetle Inspires Researchers to Develop New Cooling Materials (June 2020).Beetle Inspires Researchers to Develop New Cooling MaterialsBeetle Inspires Researchers to Develop New Cooling MaterialsBeetle Inspires Researchers to Develop New Cooling Materials

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by SYFY WIRE as Chill, because a beetle that can survive volcanic temperatures inspired a next-gen cooling material (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by la Repubblica as Dagli insetti una lezione sul raffreddamento passivo (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Popular Mechanics as This Badass Beetle Could Keep Your Car Cool (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Ikons as Kumbang yang Hidup di Daerah Vulkanik Menginspirasi Bahan Pendingin Baru (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Innovazione as Raffreddamento passivo, e se copiassimo gli scarabei? (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Nanowerk as Beetle that can survive in volcanic areas inspires new cooling materials (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by New Atlas as Volcano-dwelling beetle inspires passive cooling coating (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Small Tech News as Volcanic beetles inspire scientists to invent new materialthatforthistically cool (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by The Patent as Passive cooling coating from volcano beetles (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by ZME Science as Volcano-dwelling beetle inspires new ‘passive cooling’ material (June 2020).

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by Sohu as 火山甲虫启发科学家发明了可被动冷却的新型材料 (June 2020). 

Our work Biologically Inspired Flexible Photonic Films for Efficient Passive Radiative Cooling (PNAS 2020) was featured by UT News as Beetle That Can Survive in Volcanic Areas Inspires New Cooling Materials along with a video (June 2020). 

Hongru Ding, Jie Fang received Presenter Fee Grant from the OSA Foundation and the Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Fund to give talks on "Versatile optothermal micro/nanorobots for cellular biology", "Enhanced mid-infrared molecular sensing with single silicon antennas" at the CLEO 2020 Conference, respectively. Congratulations! (April 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Pulling of Light-Absorbing Particles (Light: Science & Applications 2020) was featured by NewScientist as Licht gebruikt om aan deeltjes te trekken (March 2020). 

Our work Optical Nanomanipulation on Solid Substrates via Optothermally-Gated Photon Nudging (Nature Communications 2019) was among Top 50 Physics Articles in Nature Communications (March 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Pulling of Light-Absorbing Particles (Light: Science & Applications 2020) was featured by 中国光学 as “逆光飞翔”,简单平面波实现长程光学牵引作用 (March 2020).

Our work Opto-Thermoelectric Pulling of Light-Absorbing Particles (Light: Science & Applications 2020) was featured by EurekAlert! as Particle travelling against the light (March 2020).

Jingang Li has been selected to receive a University Graduate Continuing Fellowship for 2020-2021. The fellowship carries a stipend of $30,000 over 12 months (with a total value of award at $44,000), speaking highly of his record of accomplishments (February 2020).

Our work Overcoming Diffusion-Limited Trapping in Nanoaperture Tweezers Using Opto-Thermal-Induced Flow (Nano Letters 2020) was featured by Nanowerk as "Bubble- and convection-assisted trapping significantly speed up nanotweezers" (December 2019).

Our work Optical Nanomanipulation on Solid Substrates via Optothermally-Gated Photon Nudging (Nature Communications 2019) was featured by X-Mol as "UT Austin郑跃兵Nature Commun.:固体表面的纳米材料光学操控技术(December 2019).

Our work Optical Nanomanipulation on Solid Substrates via Optothermally-Gated Photon Nudging (Nature Communications 2019) was featured by Nanowerk as "The first optical nanomanipulators on solid substrates(December 2019).

Our works All-Optical Reconfigurable Chiral Metamolecules (Materials Today 2019) and Moiré Chiral Metamaterials (Advanced Optical Materials 2017) were featured in Michael Berger's another exciting book "Nanoengineering: The Skills and Tools Making Technology Invisible" (December 2019).

Jingang Li has been awarded the 2019 Ben Streetman Prize, a university-wide award given annually for outstanding research by a graduate student in electronic and photonic materials and devices. Congratulations, Jingang! (TMI News) (December 2019).

Our work Accumulation-Driven Unified Spatiotemporal Synthesis and Structuring of Immiscible Metallic Nanoalloys (Matter) was featured by Matter Preview as Overcoming Immiscibility via a Milliseconds-Long “Shock” Synthesis toward Alloyed Nanoparticles (December 2019).

Our work Accumulation-Driven Unified Spatiotemporal Synthesis and Structuring of Immiscible Metallic Nanoalloys (Matter) was featured by Laser Focus World as Laser-mediated microbubble trap synthesizes metallic nanoalloys (December 2019).

Our work Accumulation-Driven Unified Spatiotemporal Synthesis and Structuring of Immiscible Metallic Nanoalloys (Matter) was featured by Nanowerk as From Origin of Life to Materials Genomics (November 2019).

Our work Room-Temperature Active Modulation of Valley Dynamics in a Monolayer Semiconductor through Chiral Purcell Effects (Advanced Materials) was featured by MaterialsViewsChina as Advanced Materials:表面等离超材料中的手性Purcell效应在室温下实现对单层半导体中能谷电子的调控 (November 2019).

Our work Room-Temperature Active Modulation of Valley Dynamics in a Monolayer Semiconductor through Chiral Purcell Effects (Advanced Materials) has been selected to be featured on a Frontispiece (October 2019).

Our work Room-Temperature Active Modulation of Valley Dynamics in a Monolayer Semiconductor through Chiral Purcell Effects (Advanced Materials) was featured by Nanowerk as Valleytronics in a monolayer semiconductor at room temperature (October 2019).

Yuebing Zheng has been granted membership on Graduate Studies Committee of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (October 2019).

Yuebing Zheng has been granted membership on Graduate Studies Committee of Department of Biomedical Engineering (October 2019).

Upon receiving his PhD degree in Materials Science and Enigneering at UT Austin, Xiaolei Peng has decided to join (Self-driving car starup) in California as an Optomechanical Engineer. Congratulations, Dr. Peng! (September 2019).

We have been selected to receive the 2019 University Co-op Research Excellence Award for Best Paper (August 2019).

Yuebing Zheng serves as editorial board member of journal Sensors and Actuators Reports, a peer-reviewed open access journal launched out from the Sensors and Actuators journal family (August 2019).

We have been selected to receive the 2019 Texas Health Catalyst Consulting Award (August 2019).

Our work Thermo-Electro-Mechanics at Individual Particles in Complex Colloidal Systems has been selected as Journal of Physical Chemistry C Supplementary Journal Cover Article (August 2019). 

We are among the Top 5% of Highly Cited Authors in Analytical Portfolio of Royal Society of Chemistry Journals according to Clarivate Analytics (July 2019).

Our Beckman Young Investigator Award Video is online (July 2019).

Yuebing Zheng is among the 2019 Class of Senior Members of the Optical Society of America (July 2019).

Our work Digital Manufacturing of Advanced Materials: Challenges and Perspective is highlighted by Polymer (July 2019).

Our work Digital Manufacturing of Advanced Materials: Challenges and Perspective is featured on Inside Front Cover of Materials Today (July 2019).

Our work Dark-Exciton-Mediated Fano Resonance from a Single Gold Nanostructure on Monolayer WS2 at Room Temperature is featured on Inside Back Cover of Small (June 2019).

Linhan Lin has decided to join the Department of Precision Instruments at Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) as an Associate Professor. Congratulations to Prof. Lin! (May 2019).

Our work All-Optical Reconfigurable Chiral Metamolecules has been featured as Materials Today Inside Front Cover Article (May 2019).

Xiaolei Peng has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations to Dr. Peng! (May 2019).

Our optothermal tweezers were featured by Medical Device Developments as "Little wonders" (April 2019).


Yuebing Zheng has been appointed as a J Mike Walker Faculty Scholar in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, UT Austin (March 2019).

Mingsong Wang honored with 2018 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (TMI news; Consulate(March 2019).

Our work All-Optical Reconfigurable Chiral Metamolecules has been featured by X-MOL as "Mater. Today:光镊技术组装手性超构材料" (March 2019).

Our work All-Optical Reconfigurable Chiral Metamolecules has been featured by Nanowerk as "Bottom-up assembled chiral meta-molecules" (March 2019).

Dr. Zheng is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure, effective 1 September 2019 (February 2019). 

Dr. Zheng has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (January 2019).

Dr. Zheng received the Franklin Award for Outstanding Teaching, Research and Service (The Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, UT Austin) (January 2019).

Our work on Tunable Fano Resonance and Plasmon-Exciton Coupling in Single Au Nanotriangles on Monolayer WS2 at Room Temperature, which is published in Advanced Materials 30 (2018) 1705779, is featured among "Breakthroughs of nanotechnology in 2018" (Jiajun Zhu‚ Baiquan Liu‚ and Daniel Bellet, Advances toward the development of nanotechnology: current challenges and new frontiers in materials, processes, devices, and applications, ISBN: 978-620-2-22099-6, Akademiker Verlag‚ Germany‚ 2019) (January 2019).

Bharath has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation (in Materials Science and Engineering Program) and decided to join Intel in Oregon as a Device/Integration Engineer. Congratulations to Dr. Rajeeva! (November 2018).


Our work on Manipulating Nanoparticles in an Opto-Thermoelectric Field has been elected as OPN's Year in Optics and featured as Front Cover Article (November 2018).

Dr. Zheng has been named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (November 2018).

The Engineering Translator- Episode 4 - A Game of Light with Yuebing Zheng (October 2018).

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers, which is published in Nature Photonics 12 (2018) 195-201, is among Nature Collection of Nobel Prize in Physics 2018. Congratulations to Arthur Ashkin, Gerard Mourou and Donna Strickland on Nobel Prize in Physics for laser control! (October 2018).  

Our work on Nanoradiator-Mediated Deterministic Opto-Thermoelectric Manipulation, which is published in ACS Nano, has been featured by Nanowerk as "Nanoradiators allow precise optical manipulation of nanoparticles" (October 2018).

Our work on "opto-thermoelectric tweezers and assembly" has been chosen as 2018 OPN's Year in Optics and featured as Manipulating Nanoparticles in an Opto-Thermoelectric Field in the December issue of Optics & Photonics News. Each year, the December issue of Optics & Photonics News—the monthly magazine of The Optical Society—highlights the most exciting optics research to emerge in the preceding 12 months (October 2018).

Dr. Zheng has been selected to receive Materials Today Rising Star Award (TMI News(September 2018). 

Our work on Opto-Thermophoretic Manipulation and Construction of Colloidal Superstructures in Photocurable Hydrogels will be featured as Front Cover Article of ACS Applied Nano Materials (August 2018). 

Our work on Opto-thermoplasmonic Nanolithography for On-Demand Patterning of 2D Materials, which was published in Advanced Functional Materials 7 (2018) 1803990, has been featured by Xincailiao (August 2018).

Our work on Opto-thermoplasmonic Nanolithography for On-Demand Patterning of 2D Materialswhich was published in Advanced Functional Materials 7 (2018) 1803990, has been featured as Back Cover Article (August 2018).

Our work on Tunable Fano Resonance and Plasmon-Exciton Coupling in Single Au Nanotriangles on Monolayer WS2 at Room Temperature, which was published in Advanced Materials 30 (2018) 1705779, has been highlighted by Materials Views China (August 2018).

Our work on Opto-thermoplasmonic Nanolithography for On-Demand Patterning of 2D Materials, which was published in Advanced Functional Materials 7 (2018) 1803990, has been featured by Nanowerk (August 2018).

Zilong Wu (left) and Mingsong Wang (right) received Ph.D degree in Materials Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, respectively. Congratulations to Dr. Wu and Dr Wang! (May 2018)

Our undergraduate student Majd A Alabandi discusses his research on "Integrating Mobile App Software with Bubble Pen Lithography." 

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Austin National Public Radio - KUT Public Media. (March 2018)

Our work on Chiral Metamaterials via Moiré Stacking was selected as cover article by Nanoscale (July 2018).

Our work on Opto-Thermophoretic Manipulation of Colloidal Particles in Non-Ionic Liquids was selected as cover article by Journal of Physical Chemistry C (June 2018).

Dr. Eric Hill was selected to receive Leadership of an Independent Junior Research Group in Germany. Congratulations! (May 2018). 

Our work on Mid-Infrared Superabsorbers Based on Quasi-Periodic Moiré Metasurfaces has been featured as cover article by Chinese Optics Letters (May 2018).

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Focus Laser World as "Opto-thermoelectric nanotweezers improve particle-trapping efficiency."; also featured on the magazine cover (May 2018).

Dr. Zheng serves at The 2018 GEC Catalyst Awards Judging Committee. See Awards announcment "Personal Connected Health Alliance and Green Electronics Council Partner to Host GEC Catalyst Awards at 2018 Connected Health Conference" at ABC-6; NBC-2; Fox-5; CBS-8; (April 2018). 

Our work on "Reconfigurable Opto-Thermoelectric Printing of Colloidal Particles" has been featured by Atlas of Science as "Erasable opto-thermoelectric printing." (April 2018). 

Intel's HPC editorial program features some of our research in "Nanoparticle Research Provides New Applications for Industry and Everyday Life." (April 2018).  

Our work on "Tunable Fano Resonance and Plasmon-Exciton Coupling in Single Au Nanotriangles on Monolayer WS2 at Room Temperature" has been featured as Frontispiece of Advanced Materials (April 2018).

Our work on "Point-and-Shoot" Synthesis of Metallic Ring Arrays and Surface-Enhanced Optical Spectroscopy" has been featured as Front Cover Article of Advanced Optical Materials (April 2018).

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by as "Optically Heated Nanotweezers Manipulate Materials at Nanoscale." (April 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by NextBIGfuture as "Opto-thermoelectric Nanotweezers on path to commercialized nano-particle manipulators integrated to smartphones." (April 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured as "'Nanotweezers' trap cells and nanoparticles with a laser beam" in "Five important biomedical technology breakthroughs" by Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence. (March 2018)

Our work on Moiré Chiral Metamaterials is selected to be included in the virtual Best of Advanced Optical Materials 2017 issue(March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured in Nature Photonics "News & Views" as "Thermoelectric fields hold nanoparticles." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by OSA-OPN as "Putting Metallic Nanoparticles in Their Place." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Nanotechweb as "Optical traps feel the heat." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Azo Nano as "Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers Could Revolutionize the Field of Medicine." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by The Daily Texan as "Newly invented nanotweezers can manipulate matter on tiny scales." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by VERDICT Medical Devices as "Nanotweezers could manipulate cells." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Product Design and Development as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Science Daily as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Controlled Environments as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by NovusLight as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by MDTmag as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Scienmag as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Nanowerk as "New nanotweezers open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by News-Medical as "New 'nanotweezers' could pave way for innovations in health monitoring and mobile technology." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Science Newsline as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by IEEE Electronics360 as "Nanotweezers Developed Could be Huge for Medical Technology." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by SciTechDaily as "Nanotweezers open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by Eurekalert! as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018) 

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been featured by UT News as "New 'nanotweezers' open door to innovations in medicine, mobile tech." (March 2018)

Our work on Opto-Thermoelectric Nanotweezers has been published in Nature Photonics: L. Lin, M. Wang, X. Peng, E. N. Lissek, Z. Mao, L. Scarabelli, E. Adkins, S. Coskun, H. E. Unalan, B. A. Korgel, L. M. Liz-Marzán, E. L. Florin, and Y. B. ZhengOpto-Thermoelectric NanotweezersNature Photonics (March 2018).

Xiaolei Peng has been selected to receive a University Graduate Continuing Fellowship for 2018-2019. The fellowship carries a stipend of $28,000 over 12 months (with a total value of award at $40,000), speaking highly of his record of accomplishments (February 2018).

Our work "Moiré Metamaterials and Metasurfaces" published in Advanced Optical Materials is among Most Accessed of 01/2018 (January 2018)

Our papers "Light-Directed Reversible Assembly of Plasmonic Nanoparticles Using Plasmon-Enhanced Thermophoresis" and "Bubble-Pen Lithography" have been featured by an NPG Asia Materials review paper (January 2018)

Our work "Moiré Metamaterials and Metasurfaceswill be featured as Inside Cover Article of Advanced Optical Materials (January 2018)

Our work "Light-Directed Reversible Assembly of Plasmonic Nanoparticles Using Plasmon-Enhanced Thermophoresis" has been featured in ACS Virtual Issue "Progress in Top-Down Control of Bottom-Up Assembly" (November 2017). 

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been featured in ACS Virtual Issue "Progress in Top-Down Control of Bottom-Up Assembly" (November 2017). 

Our work "Design and Applications of Lattice Plasmon Resonances" will be featured as Nano Research cover article (November 2017). 

Dr. Zheng and the group have been selected to receive NIH Director's New Innovator Award (October 2017). NIH news releases; 2017 Awardees; UT News; CSE News; BioArt; ScholarSet; Scholarupdate; ME News; TMI News; The Daily Texan; SPIE News;  

Our work on Opto-Thermophoretic Assembly of Colloidal Matter [Science Advances 3 (2017) e1700458] has been featured by Laser Focus World as newsbreak "Opto-thermophoretic method easily assembles colloidal matter." (October 2017).

Our work on Opto-Thermophoretic Assembly of Colloidal Matter [Science Advances 3 (2017) e1700458] has been featured by Nanowerk as "Assembling colloidal matter with an opto-thermophoretic strategy." (September 2017).

Our work on Opto-Thermophoretic Assembly of Colloidal Matter [Science Advances 3 (2017) e1700458] has been featured by Nanotechweb as "Opto-thermophoretic technique assembles colloidal nanoparticles." (September 2017).

Our work on Opto-Thermophoretic Assembly of Colloidal Matter [Science Advances 3 (2017) e1700458] has been featured by Xincailiao "胶体纳米粒子的新革命:光热解技术." (September 2017).

Our work on Opto-Thermophoretic Assembly of Colloidal Matter [Science Advances 3 (2017) e1700458] has been featured by TodayChemical as "胶体纳米粒子的新革命:光热解技术." (September 2017).

Dr. Zheng and the group have been selected to receive NASA CAREER award (August 2017). Project SummaryNASA Press ReleaseTMI News; ME News

Our work on "Interfacial-Entropy-Driven Thermophoretic Tweezers" will be featured as Lab on a Chip outside back cover article (August 2017). 

Our work "Moiré Chiral Metamaterialshas been highlighted by MaterialsViewsChina (August 2017).

Our work on "Controlling Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence via Intersystem Crossing in Photoswitchable Molecules" will be featured as a Frontispiece of journal Small (August 2017).

Our work on "Plasmon-Trion and Plasmon-Exciton Resonance Energy Tranfer from a Single Plasmonic Nanoparticle to Monolayer MoS2 " will be featured as Nanoscale cover article (August 2017). 

Our work "Moiré Chiral Metamaterialshas been highlighted by Nanotechweb (July 2017).

Our work "Moiré Chiral Metamaterials" has been highlighted by Nanowerk (July 2017).

Daniel Vong has received a 2017-2018 fellowship from the Cockrell School of Engineering (July 2017).

Xiaolei has received a 2017-2018 fellowship from the Cockrell School of Engineering (July 2017).

Our work "Thermophoretic Tweezers for Low-Power and Versatile Manipulation of Biological Cells" has been featured by X-MOL平台微信公众号 (July 2017).

Our work "Moiré Chiral Metamaterials" has been featured on inside front cover of Advanced Optical Materials (July 2017).

Our work "Patterning and Fluorescence Tuning of Quantum Dots with Haptic-Interfaced Bubble Printing" has been featured in Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2017 Emerging Investigator Issue; chosen as 2017 HOT paper; and featured as journal back cover (June 2017)

Bharath has accepted a summer internship at Oculus VR, which was acquired by Facebook, and will do R&D on virtual-reality displays in Seattle this summer (May 2017).

Our works " High-Resolution Bubble Printing of Quantum Dots" and "Patterning and Fluorescence Tuning of Quantum Dots with Haptic-Interfaced Bubble Printing" have been featured by 3DPrint as "Bubble Printing: Texas Researchers Develop New 3D Printing-like Method to Fabricate Quantum Dots." (May 2017)

Our works " High-Resolution Bubble Printing of Quantum Dots" and "Patterning and Fluorescence Tuning of Quantum Dots with Haptic-Interfaced Bubble Printing" have been featured by Nanotechweb as "Bubble printing patterns quantum dots on plasmonic substrates." (May 2017)

Our works " High-Resolution Bubble Printing of Quantum Dots" and "Patterning and Fluorescence Tuning of Quantum Dots with Haptic-Interfaced Bubble Printing" have been featured by Nanowerk as "Bubble-printed patterning of quantum dots on plasmonic substrates." (May 2017)

Mingsong Wang has been selected to receive a University Graduate Continuing Fellowship for 2017-2018. The fellowship carries a stipend of $28,000 over 12 months (with a total value of award at $40,000), speaking highly of his record of accomplishments (March 2017).

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been featured by X-MOL资讯 and X-MOL 化学平台 as "纳米复合材料实现光波导器件的全光学重复可擦写". (March 2017)

Dr. Zheng and the group have been selected to receive Young Investigator Award from Office of Naval Research (February 2017). ME News; TMI News

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been featured in a Wall Street Daily article "Nanotechnology: How Miniscule Science Will Save Mankind" by Editorial Director. (January 2017)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "New Nanomaterial Allows Rewritable Optical Components" by Materials Today. (December 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been featured as "Nanotechnology in a Bubble" in Book "Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny" by Michael Berger (2016).

Our work "Moire Nanosphere Lithography" has been featured as "Novel Nanosphere Lithography to Fabricate Tunable Plasmonic Metasurfacesin Book "Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny" by Michael Berger (2016).

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "Military Nano Drones Controlled Remotely Behind Enemy Lines, Made Possible by Nanophotonics-Based Rewritable Chips" by Science World Report. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "Novel Nanomaterial Enables Rewritable Optical Circuits" in IEEE Spectrum. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "Novel Nanotech Material Could Pay Huge Dividends" by R&D Magazine. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "A new nanomaterial chip has been made that can erase information by merely a flashing light" by Pakistanclip. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "新型材料的发现使可擦除、可复写光学芯片的制造成为可能" by (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "新型材料的发现使可擦除、可复写光学芯片的制造成为可能" by 网易. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "James Bond-style erasable, rewritable chips in the offing" by Indianexpress. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "New material could lead to erasable, rewriteable optical chips" by Scientific Computing. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "New material could lead to erasable and rewriteable optical chips" by Nanowerk. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "New material could lead to erasable and rewriteable optical chips" by (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "Engineers erase and rewrite data on optical chips" in Newelectronics. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "Newly Developed Nanomaterial can be Stepping Stone for Rewritable Nanophotonic Circuits" in Azonano. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "New material could lead to erasable and rewriteable optical chips" by ScienceDaily. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been reported as "James Bond-style erasable, rewritable chips in the offing" by Tribuneindia. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been highlighted as "New material could lead to erasable and rewriteable optical chips" by Eurekalert. (December 2016)

Our work "Photoswitchable Rabi Splitting in Hybrid Plasmon-Waveguide Modeshas been highlighted as "Optically rewritable integrated nanophotonics with hybrid plasmon-waveguide modes" by D4Sci. (December 2016)

Dr. Zheng has been selected as one of the Chemical Communications Emerging Investigators (November 2016).

Our work "Tunable Graphene Metasurfaces with Gradient Features by Self-assembly-based Moiré Nanosphere Lithography" has been featured as an inside cover of Advanced Optical Materials. (November 2016)

Undergraduate student Majd A Alabandi is one of six finalists for the 2016 Texas Student Research Showdown. His research on "Integrating Mobile App Software with Bubble Pen Lithography" aims to develop a friendly haptic user interface to give users a real nanofabrication experience. (October 2016)

Our work "Dual-Band Moiré Metasurface Patches for Multifunctional Biomedical Applicationshas been highlighted as "A multifunctional biophotonic platform enabled by moire metasurfacesby "Nanowerk". (October 2016)

Mingsong has received Fall 2016 Professional Develompment Award. (October 2016)

Our work "Light-Directed Reversible Assembly of Plasmonic Nanoparticles Using Plasmon-Enhanced Thermophoresis" has been highlighted as "Thermophoresis assembles plasmonic nanoparticles" by "Nanotechweb". (September 2016)

Our work "Light-Directed Reversible Assembly of Plasmonic Nanoparticles Using Plasmon-Enhanced Thermophoresis" has been highlighted as "Plasmon-enhanced thermophoresis for the reversible assembly of plasmonic nanoparticles" by "Nanowerk". (September 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "纳米光刻:激光泡沫笔光刻技术仿造胶体纳米颗粒" by 微头条 (September 2016).

Bubble-pen lithography for nanomanufacturing (August 2016).

Our work "Tunable Graphene Metasurfaces with Gradient Features by Self-assembly-based Moiré Nanosphere Lithography"  has been highlighted as "Tunable Graphene Metasurfaces with Gradient Features" by "Materials Views" (August 2016).

Our work "Tunable Graphene Metasurfaces with Gradient Features by Self-assembly-based Moiré Nanosphere Lithography"  has been highlighted as “Nanosphere lithography makes graphene moiré metasurface” by Nanotechweb (August 2016).

Dr. Zheng has been selected as one of the Journal of Materials Chemistry  Emerging Investigators (August 2016).

Our work "Tunable Graphene Metasurfaces with Gradient Features by Self-assembly-based Moiré Nanosphere Lithography"  has been featured as a Nanowerk spotlight article "Moire Nanosphere Lithography allows fabrication of large-area tunable graphene metasurfaces" (August 2016).

Xiaolei Peng and Bharath Rajeeva have been awarded Continuing Graduate Fellowship (August 2016). 

We are organizing a symposium on Functional Plasmonics at 2016 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (27 November-2 December, 2016).

We successfully organized a FocusSession: Micro-/nano-manipulations: Fundamentals and Applications at Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2016 in Shanghai, China (8-11 August, 2016). Thank you all for your participation! 

We have been awarded a Graduate School Mentoring Fellowship for 2016-2017.

Our work "Regioselective Localization and Tracking of Biomolecules on Single Gold Nanoparticles" has been highlighted as "Biomolecule tracking with gold nanoparticles" by MaterialsViews (March 2016).  

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Bubble-Pen Lithography Deftly Handles Nanoparticle" by Photonics Spectra (March 2016)

Xiaolei Peng won the Poster Competition Prize at 2016 ASME NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology Conference. He presented his work on "Plasmonic Tweezers for Biology and Medicine: towards Low-Power and Versatile Manipulations of Cells and Biomolecules" (Feburary 2016).

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Nanolithography: Laser bubble-pen lithography patterns colloidal nanoparticles" by LaserFocusWorld (Februay 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Bubble-Pen Lithography Deftly Handles Nanoparticle" by SPIE BACUS Newsletter (Februay 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Bubble-pen writes new chapter for nanomaterials" by Materials Today (February 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted in Editor's Choice as "Patterning colloids with microbubbles" by Science (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Laser-driven bubble-pen developed for fabricating tiny structures" by (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "‘Bubble pen’ can precisely write patterns with nanoparticles as small as 1 nanometer" by (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Engineers invent a bubble-pen to write with nanoparticles" by Opli (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Engineers use laser beams to write with bubbles" by eeDesignIt (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Writing Nanoparticles with a Bubble-Pen" by WorldIndustrialReport (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Engineers invent a bubble-pen to write with nanoparticles" by ScienceDaily (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Scientists write with nanoparticles utilizing a laser and a bubble" by XENERO (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted in popular Indian newspapers Business Standard, NDTV, Financial Express, and India Today (January 2016).

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" was featured on Daily Planet Show by Discovery Channel-Canada (January 19 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Laser-Driven 'Bubble Pen' Patterns Nanoparticles" by IEEE Spectrum (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been featured as "UT breakthrough on nanoparticles makes Ant-Man look like Sasquatch" by Statesman (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Researchers Develop Lithographic Pen for Nanoparticles" by The Daily Texan (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "科学家利用激光气泡即可操纵纳米粒子" by 网易科技激光网激光制造网响水新闻网, 电子成品世界Chinese Academy of Sciences (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Bubble-Pen Lithography Deftly Handles Nanoparticle" by (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as Research News "Bubble-Pen Lithography" by OSA Optics&Photonics News (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Innovative Bubble-Pen Lithography Enables Efficient Handling of Nanoparticles" by AzoNano (January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Engineers Invent a Bubble-Pen to Write with Nanoparticles" in UT News (January 2016)

Our work "Thermodynamic synthesis of solution processable ladder polymers" is featured as outside front cover article by journal Chemical Science (January 2016).  

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "神奇的泡沫笔光刻技术" in Cailiaoren (材料人)(January 2016)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Writing With a Bubble Pen" in ChemistryViews (January 2016)

Our award-winning image was featured in call-for-paper for 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference, 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society (January 2016).

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted in Black in America (December 2015).

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted in Cool Physics (December 2015).

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted in Gentaur (December 2015).

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted in Opennano (December 2015).

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted in Nanotec (December 2015).

Our work "Tunable multiband metasurfaces by moiré nanosphere lithography" has been featured as one of HOT Nanoscale articles published in 2015 (December 2015). 

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been highlighted as "Bubble-pen lithography patterns nanodevices" in Nanotechweb (December 2015)

Our work "Bubble-Pen Lithography" has been featured as a Nanowerk spotlight article "Nanotechnology in a Bubble" (December 2015). 

Our work on "Engineering of Parallel Plasmonic-Photonic Interactions for On-Chip Refractive Index Sensors" is featured as research news by Atlas of Science (December 2015).

Our work "Thermodynamic synthesis of solution processable ladder polymers" has been featured as one of Hot Chemical Science articles for December (December 2015).

Bharath Rajeeva was selected to receive the Fall 2015 Professional Development Award (October 2015).

Our paper "Tunable Multiband Metasurfaces by Moire Nanosphere Lithography" is featured as outside front cover by journal Nanoscale (October 2015). 

Our paper "Regioselective Localization and Tracking of Biomolecules on Single Gold Nanoparticles" is featured as frontispieces by journal Advanced Science (October 2015). 

Our paper "Plasmofluidics: Merging Light and Fluids at the Micro-/Nano-Scale" is featured as frontispieces by journal Small (September 2015). 

Our work on “Blossom in Photosynthesis” won the IEEE Photonics Society Image Contest and is featured as the cover of the October 2015 issue of the IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter (August 2015).

Mingsong Wang has been selected to receive the Warren A. and Alice L. Meyer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering (July 2015).

Bharath Rajeeva has been selected to receive the 2015-2016 George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship from the Cockrell School of Engineering (July 2015).

Zilong Wu has been selected to receive Summer 2015 Professional Development Award (July 2015).

Bharath Rajeeva has been selected to receive the Harris L. Marcus Graduate Fellowship in Materials Science & Engineering (July 2015).

"Moire Nanosphere Lithography" has been featured as a Nanowerk spotlight article "Novel Nanosphere Lithography to Fabricate Tunable Plasmonic Metasurfaces" (June 2015).

Dr. Zheng has been selected as one of the Analyst Emerging Investigators (June 2015).

Dr. Zheng has been selected to receive the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award (May 2015). Oak Ridge Today

Zilong Wu has been selected to receive the 2015 Graduate Student Conference Grant to give talks at the SPIE meeting in San Diego (April 2015).

Dr. Zheng gave an invited talk at the symposium in honor of Prof. Paul S. Weiss at the ACS Meeting Denver 2015. Congratulations, Paul!

Dr. Zheng serves as an Associate Editor of Journal of Electronic Materials (Springer).

Our research on mobile medical tools was featured in "16 Amazing Science Breakthroughs from 2014".

Dr. Zheng received Asian/Asian-American Faculty Staff Association Professional Development Award (February 2015).

Dr. Zheng received 3M Nontenured Faculty Award (February 2015).

Dr. Zheng serves as an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports, a journal from Nature Publishing Group, the publishers of Nature (February 2015).

Dr. Zheng serves as an Associate Editor of journal "Applied Nanoscience" (Springer).

"Viologen-Mediated Assembly of and Sensing with Carboxylatopillar[5]arene-Modified Gold Nanoparticles” (JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2013, 135(4) : 1570-1576) was among the “Top 100 Most Cited Chinese Papers Published in International Journals in 2013” according to the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (October 2014).

We thank Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation for the generous support of our research through Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) Award to Dr. Zheng. The BYI Program with grants in the range of $750,000 is “intended to provide research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of academic careers in the chemical and life sciences particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science.” (16 August 2014). UT NewsABCLonghorn Network.

Dr. Zheng gave an invited talk at the Workshop on "Flexible SERS Substrates: Challenges and Opportunities" at Washington University in St. Louis. The workshop is sponsored by Army Research Lab, Army Research Office and Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (25-26 June 2014).

Dr. Zheng chaired a session and gave a talk at the CLEO conference (8-13 June 2014).

Dr. Zheng co-chaired a session on "Plasmonics Enhanced Devices" at the OSA Incubator Nanophotonic Devices: Beyond Classical Limits, OSA Headquarters, Washtington DC (14-16 May 2014).

Dr. Zheng has been awarded the Graduate School Alumni Soceity (GSAS) Early Career Award by The Pennsylvania State University. The award recognizes alumni who have demonstrated exceptional success in their chosen field within the first ten years after obtaining their graduate degrees (4 April 2014). Related: Two Penn State graduate alumni recognized for early career achievements (24 April 2014).

National Photonics Initiative Launched (July 2013).

"Photoresponseive Molecules in Well-Defined Nanoscale Environments" was featured as Cover Article by journal Advanced Materials (18 January 2013).

On "Solar Cells and Solar Cell Windows"

MRS Materials 360 (front page) story Transparent Solar Cells Turn Windows into Power Generators (9 August 2012)

The Latest Science Paper of the Month (9 August 2012)

LA Times story UCLA's new transparent solar film could be game-changer (28 July 2012)

American Public Media's Marketplace interview with Yang Yang and Paul Weiss New transparent solar panels could be used as windows (25 July 2012)

ABC News This Could Be Big interview with Yang Yang and Paul Weiss Flexible See-Through Solar Cells for the 21st Century (25 July 2012)

Time Magazine story Windows that Generate Electricity from Invisible Light? Is This the Future or What? (24 July 2012)

Daily Mail story How your windows could be the future of electricity: Scientists create transparent solar panels out of 'glass-like' plastic (23 July 2012)

Slate Magazine story New Transparent Polymer Solar Cells Could Cover Skyscrapers and Tablets (23 July 2012)

Materials Today story Highly transparent solar cells (23 July 2012)

PC World story Researchers Develop Solar Panels That Still Let the Sunlight Through (23 July 2012)

New Energy and Fuel story Can UCLA Save Solar Panels? (23 July 2012)

AzoNano story Silver Nanowire Composite Films Used In Transparent Polymer Solar Cells (22 July 2012)

UCLA story UCLA researchers create highly transparent solar cells for windows that generate electricity (20 July 2012)

French Tribune story UCLA Researchers Discover Transparent Solar Cells Generating Electricity (21 July 2012)

ANI story Soon, 'smart' windows that generate electricity (21 July 2012)

Tehran Times story UCLA researchers create highly transparent solar cells for windows that generate electricity (21 July 2012)

UPI story New solar cells may bring 'power' windows (20 July 2012)

KCET story UCLA Engineers Develop Transparent Photovoltaic Cells (20 July 2012)

Physics News stories Scientists create highly transparent solar cells for windows that generate electricity (20 July 2012)

Laser Focus World story Transparent photovoltaic cell from UCLA absorbs and converts IR (20 July 2012)

Science Tech Daily story Highly Transparent Polymer Solar Cell Produces Energy by Absorbing Near-Infrared Light (20 July 2012)

Sciece Codex story UCLA researchers create highly transparent solar cells for windows that generate electricity (20 July 2012)

eScience News story UCLA researchers create highly transparent solar cells for windows that generate electricity (20 July 2012)

Science Business story Highly Transparent Solar Cells Developed for Window Glass (20 July 2012)

AzoNano story Novel Method to Produce Highly Conductive, Flexible Electrodes Using Silver Nanowires (23 November 2011)

Science Daily story Highly Efficient Method for Creating Flexible, Transparent Electrodes Developed (22 November 2011)

Softpedia story New Avenue to Transparent Electrodes Pursued at UCLA (22 November 2011)

eScience News story UCLA team develops highly efficient method for creating flexible, transparent electrodes (22 November 2011)

Chemical & Engineering News story Easy Method Produces Flexible Transparent Electrodes (8 November 2011)

CNSI story Easy Method Produces Flexible Transparent Electrodes (8 November 2011)